Frequently asked questions
Tranexamic acid

What if I miss a dose?
... If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. Do not take more than one dose at a time.

How many days can I take tranexamic acid for?
... You can take the tranexamic acid for as long as you are bleeding! If you need to take it for more than 10 consecutive days, please check with your health care provider.

What if I stop taking tranexamic acid and then start bleeding again?
... Restart the tranexamic acid until you stop bleeding again. This time, continue taking the tranexamic acid until you haven’t bled for 24 hours.

My bleeding has slowed down - is this safe?
... Yes! Tranexamic acid doesn’t stop the natural process of menstruation, it simply stabilizes the blood clots that form after the inner lining of the uterus is gone. This may not feel normal at first, but it is definitely safe, and will prevent you from losing much needed blood and iron!

The pills are too large for me to take - what can I do?
... You can break the pills into smaller pieces, or even crush them and put them in a drink to make it easier to take!

Am I at a higher risk of developing blood clots?
... First, let’s clarify! The blood clots that we are referring to here are the dangerous ones that can develop in the veins of your legs or lungs (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism). We are not referring to the blood clots that pass or flood when you have your period. Now, let’s get back to the question – the short answer is no!
Iron pills

What if I've tried all the types of iron pills and I can't handle the side effects of any of them?
... If you’ve been following our instructions, but are still having side effects, you may need to receive intravenous (IV) iron. Please talk to your health care provider about this.

How soon will I feel better?
... Most patients notice an improvement in their symptoms 6 to 8 weeks after they start taking iron pills!
Intravenous (IV) iron

How many doses will I need?
... You may need several doses. The total number of doses will depend on how severe your anemia is.

How soon will I feel better?
... Most patients notice an improvement in their symptoms 4 to 6 weeks after they start taking IV iron!